
YouTube SEO Experiment 1 : Ranking on Google vs. Ranking on YouTube

YouTube SEO: How to Rank YouTube Videos in 2021

YouTube Video Ranking Problem

Are you still facing some problems in ranking your YouTube videos recently? I have my YouTube ranking issue now and you will see what I intend to do to fix this issue in this blog post.

Over the last 30 days, I found out that one of my YouTube video was not ranking well on YouTube search. I tried to search for many different keywords on YouTube but my YouTube video still doesn't appears in the 1st rank, not even on the Top 3 ranks or Top 5 ranks.

I'm not sure why my YouTube video ranking is not that well, sometime when I used YouTube Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool - TubeBuddy to check the ranking of my YouTube video on all my tags, and most of them shown a ranking between 20 to 30 in TubeBuddy.

How do you search on TubeBuddy? How do you rank up faster on YouTube?

So this blog post is my personal record and sharing of what I have done on my YouTube channel and videos by using different YouTube SEO strategies.

I have also set a few targets in this YouTube SEO Experiment series on my Blogger site, these targets are:

  • Let my YouTube video rank #1 on YouTube for some specific keywords.
  • Let my YouTube video rank at Top 3 places for a long time.

Hope this YouTube SEO Experiment sharing can help me rank my YouTube video higher in future. Let's dive in right now to the summary of this YouTube SEO Experiment.

Implementation of YouTube SEO strategies

Let me have a briefly introduction of what is my YouTube video problem in this section before I proceed to explain my YouTube ranking issue.

The YouTube video that has been suffering from unstable and low ranking problem is named with "How to Fix Low Value Content Issue in Google AdSense". I have put the video inside the link at the title and you may watch it by clicking the following video.

Basically this video is a tutorial of these topics, which are:

  • How to fix Low Value Content issue inside Google AdSense?
  • What is the meaning of Low Value Content? 
  • What are the reasons of Low Value Content?
  • Illustration of 3 real life examples of website with Low Value Content
  • 8 Tips to fix Low Value Content and get Google AdSense approval.

You may not know what is Low Value Content issue as this is a specific issue for a little portion of the population. But you should know what is "Google AdSense" that I have been mentioned few times from the beginning.

Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. (Extracted from WikiPedia)

So what does it means? The advertisement you can see on my website, 5 seconds ads or skippable in-stream ads you might watch on YouTube are all belongs to Google AdSense. AdSense Publisher like website owner, YouTuber and me can earn some money by renting out some spaces on our site (Website, Apps, YouTube video) to show ads served by Google in exchange of earnings

Back to the main topic, I created a tutorial video to share my thoughts about Low Value content in last month after weeks of research and planning. This Low Value Content YouTube video was one of few videos that performed well on my YouTube channel, and I also intended to let this YouTube video become another #1 Ranking video on YouTube for the keyword "Low Value Content".

I used bunch of YouTube Search Engine Optimization Strategies that I have learned from other websites and YouTubers. Most of these YouTube SEO strategies I used were recorded in my Blogger post too. 

Read more : YouTube SEO #1 : How to Rank YouTube Videos

The YouTube SEO practices I have been implementing on my Low Value Content YouTube video are:

  • Upload Closed Captions on YouTube video (Not auto-translate)
  • Maximize the use of Description Box
  • Keywords Research for SEO
  • YouTube video Tags choosing
  • Full Translation to other languages (Mostly Simplified Chinese + Traditional Chinese) 

I even wrote few posts related to Google AdSense low value content across my different Blogger websites using different language. 

Google AdSense Policy Violations | How to fix Low Value Content in Google AdSense | Why my website is rejected by AdSense with Low Value Content

For example, this is the performance of my website & YouTube video ranking on Google when I search for keyword "Low Value Content" in English. 

How to RANK YouTube Videos on FIRST PAGE of Google

How to RANK YouTube Videos on FIRST PAGE of Google

How to RANK YouTube Videos on FIRST PAGE of Google

In the second image above, you can see my Low Value Content YouTube video is rank as 1st Video on Google Search Results when I search for keyword "Low Value Content"

In addition, my website post about Low Value Content is rank at 9th place on google search results, according to the third image. Even a BlogSpot domain can rank that higher on a most basic keyword "Low Value Content", this is why as long as your content is long and high quality enough, Google will always rank your website at first few place with the assistance of few website Search Engine Optimization strategies.

Now I will show you my content and YouTube video ranking status on Google by searching the keyword in Chinese/Mandarin

Ranking on Google vs Ranking on YouTube | What is the difference of Ranking on Google vs Ranking on YouTube

My Low Value Content post in Chinese is rank at 2nd place under when I search for "低價值内容" in Traditional Chinese, same meaning to "Low Value Content" in English

When I switch to another keyword "谷歌AdSense 低價值内容", a.k.a. "Google AdSense Low Value Content", my blog post is shown as a featured snippets on Google.

How to fix Google AdSense in Low Value Content | YouTube SEO: How to Rank YouTube Videos in 2021

My Low Value Content YouTube video is also rank at #1 when I search for the same keyword on Google's Video search result.

Low Value Content | What is Low Value Content | How to fix Low Value Content in Google AdSense | Low Value Content YouTube tutorial Video ranking

Low Value Content | What is Low Value Content | How to fix Low Value Content in Google AdSense

Based on the images I captured above, it is clear that my website content & YouTube video rank so well on Google when I search for the main keyword "低價值内容" or "Low Value Content" in Mandarin. The top ranking is because of too less people writing the same content like me about Low Value Content.

When I search for keyword "low value content AdSense fix" on Google based on the recommendation keyword given by them, my YouTube video will be showing as a featured snippet with a part of closed captions extracted under my Low Value Content video.

Google Search Results Featured Snippets | YouTube SEO: How to Rank YouTube Videos in 2021 | What are the benefits of Closed Captions on YouTube Video

Thanks for the Closed Captions I uploaded to my Low Value Content YouTube video, it is not only a YouTube SEO practices to let YouTube algorithm to understand what my YouTube video is about, but it is also a website SEO strategies for them to show rank my YouTube at #1 in Google Search results. Therefore, if you want to rank your video at #1 on both YouTube and Google, try to upload your own Closed Captions file on your YouTube video as an effective YouTube SEO strategy.

Definitely you can tell my Blog posts and YouTube tutorial video about Low Value Content is ranking at first page on Google. 

But, what if I said the ranking on Google is totally different compare to my video ranking in YouTube? Will it be a shock to you?

I will show you what I mean right now. 

YouTube Video Ranking Dropped

When the time pass by day by day, I found this Low Value Content Tutorial video was not ranking well anymore and the ranking of this video on some main keywords were dropping fast too.

How do you search on TubeBuddy? How do you rank up faster on YouTube?

You can see the YouTube keywords ranking of this video was below 20 places, it was far away from reaching the 1st place, not to mention about the Top #5 places on YouTube search results.  

Even though I have been implementing bunch of YouTube SEO practices on my YouTube video like Closed Captions, Full Description and linking with my website content, I'm still don't know why my YouTube SEO strategies are not working well on my YouTube video, you may share your opinions down here if you have any idea to fix this YouTube ranking issue.

How to let video rank No 1 on YouTube?

This YouTube SEO experiment post is getting too long now, I will stop here with a summary of what I'm going to do to rank my video No 1 on YouTube. I sincerely hope that my Low Value Content will be rank at No 1 after I done the following enhancements:

  • Analyze competitors' ranking, content and description
  • Prepare and write different version of Low Value Content YouTube video's description.
  • Create more content about Google AdSense Low Value Content on YouTube (What I'm intend to)

For my 3rd enhancement to improve my YouTube ranking and the effectiveness of the YouTube SEO strategies I used on my Low Value Content, I have created a Blogger + AdSense Tutorial (JaxxBAT) series on YouTube recently to share the ways to get Google AdSense approval for Blogger website.

Watch : JaxxBAT - Blogger + AdSense Tutorial YouTube playlist

Inside this Google AdSense tutorial series, I intended to focus my sharing about Low Value Content in Part 10 video and Part 15 video. Maybe these 2 videos can help me to rank my original Low Value Content at #1 on YouTube.

Or maybe these videos can also rank at first few places on YouTube too.

I will ended my sharing here now and I will also share my sharing about the enhancements I done on my Low Value Content YouTube video in future. Goodbye and Have a nice day.

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