
Blogger Adsense Part 2 - Testing on How to get Google AdSense Approval

How can I get AdSense approval in short time?How can I get AdSense approval in one?How do I know if my AdSense account is approved?Google adsense approval trick 2020 2021 How to get adsense apporval for blogger How much traffic required to get adsense?How do I qualify for AdSense on blogger?When should I apply for AdSense on blogger?

How to fix adsense policy issue? How to meet AdSense Programme Policies How to get Google AdSense Approval for Blogger? How to get Google AdSense Approval with less than 20 posts? How to fix AdSense Ads Served Limited?

How to get AdSense Approval for blogger in 2021

On 25th March 2021, I finally get an approval for my mandarin blog from Google AdSense by using a method to apply it again.

I have been trying to apply Google AdSense for 2 months since I started to write some posts again in February. 

With the new method I tried in 24th March, AdSense approved my application around 1 day after I completed my submission a day before approval.

How can I get AdSense approval in short time?How can I get AdSense approval in one?How do I know if my AdSense account is approved?Google adsense approval trick 2020 2021 How to get adsense apporval for blogger How much traffic required to get adsense?How do I qualify for AdSense on blogger?When should I apply for AdSense on blogger?

How can I get AdSense approval in short time?How can I get AdSense approval in one?How do I know if my AdSense account is approved?Google adsense approval trick 2020 2021 How to get adsense apporval for blogger How much traffic required to get adsense?How do I qualify for AdSense on blogger?When should I apply for AdSense on blogger?
Start with "Congratulations! ..."

I tried to apply with my Gmail account that I normally used in daily life when this blog start in Sep-2019. 

However when I tried to use this gmail to apply Google AdSense, all the replies I get from AdSense was "We Found Some Policy Violations on Your Site".

I kept improved my blog structure with plenty posts that contained at least 800 words with few images. All the content in my 2021 posts are original, unique and also the images inserted are mostly from my design.

Since my non-activated AdSense account registered with my personal Gmail was created in late-2019. I'm doubt with this AdSense account settings as there was some major change in blogger interface and AdSense application from blogger.

It seems like I'm proven right as you may see how many application I have submit by using my personal Gmail account.

How can I get AdSense approval in short time?How can I get AdSense approval in one?How do I know if my AdSense account is approved?Google adsense approval trick 2020 2021 How to get adsense apporval for blogger How much traffic required to get adsense?How do I qualify for AdSense on blogger?When should I apply for AdSense on blogger?

With this doubt on my old account, I created a new AdSense account with a Gmail account opened in around 2018-2019 (for academic materials).

I'm not sure how is this new AdSense account was registered. But its homepage was not similar with those awaiting account with non-accessible sites.

How can I get AdSense approval in short time?How can I get AdSense approval in one?How do I know if my AdSense account is approved?Google adsense approval trick 2020 2021 How to get adsense apporval for blogger How much traffic required to get adsense?How do I qualify for AdSense on blogger?When should I apply for AdSense on blogger?

I tried with some methods and adjustments on last week and submitted my application again. The approval was taken around 1 day which is not compatible with waiting period of 6 weeks from most "experts" in Google AdSense forum.

Maybe I will update more specifically about how I apply Google AdSense for my blogger in next few posts. 

Experiment on AdSense Approval

I'm writing this post is to test how can my English blog get AdSense approval with some limitations such as how many posts I should post, should I setup Privacy Policy or not etc.

I will list down characteristics of my mandarin blog before my AdSense account was being approved.

1) 42 Posts ( 25 Posts in 2019 , 12 Posts in Feb 201 with 5 posts in Mar 2021)

2) Setup few pages for important topic on main menu.

3) Include Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, About Us etc.

4) Using online blogger template (not provided by blogger).

5) Showing the total views of my posts

6) Complete setup on Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

In order to run with my experiment, I will translate 5 posts from my Mandarin blog each time before I submit an AdSense application on this English blog. 

If it is being rejected then I will upload few other translated posts to here and tried it again. I'm guessing that a minimum amount of 15-20 posts are necessary for AdSense to approve your blogger site.

I'm going to upload 5 posts (including this post) and using the same theme. Hope I can upload my findings as soon as possible.  


7th April 2021 5 P.M. , Google AdSense rejected this site for ads listing with 2 reasons which are:
  • Valuable Inventory : No Content
  • Valuable Inventory : Under Construction

So based on these 2 reasons, I made some adjustments today to improve and fix these issues.
  • I have updated 6 more long original articles to total 11 posts, each of them should be around 500-1200 words.
  • Remove some currently-useless navigation bar.

Maybe it was to naive to think that 5 articles are enough to receive AdSense eligibility even though they are original, long text with few images. 

It took 7 days for the first application to update, not quite sure when will be the next update after I make some adjustment on these issue.

I also send another application to Google AdSense again an hour after I received that email. So let see what it will be in the next week.

Surprisingly, both of my AdSense application status were updated around 5:00 P.M. at region with GMT+8. If my next application status is updated in this period again, then we could make some conclusion on the timing for AdSense application.

11th April 2021 9 A.M. , Google AdSense just rejected my application on this blog again, but this time there is only one reason which is 
  • Valuable Inventory : Under Construction

So it is now differ with first application and we may conclude that 15~16 long posts in the blog are the minimum requirement for AdSense application, but it is not enough yet.

11th April 2021 5 P.M. , Just find few crucial problems that lead to this rejection.

In my posts about Initial Public Offering (IPO), there are some URL link within the content lead to my blogger edit page (or google blogger login page if in incognito mode).

I have updated these links and finish the review, I think there is no more problem in IPO series posts already.

It took 7 days for Google AdSense to review and rejected my application first time, while it became around 4 days in second time. Perhaps I can get an update on around 15th~16th April which will be on Wednesday/Thursday.

18th April 2021 9 A.M. , Still not getting any reply or update from Google AdSense. 

Now I'm wondering does the number of total page views gonna speed up your queue for AdSense approval. Currently there are 19 posts here as I add few of them in this week and I hope that this process wont take up to 6 weeks.

21st April 2021 6 P.M. , I finally receive a reply from Google AdSense on this website.

Same as what happen in my first blog (mandarin), the approval status of this English blog was sent at around 5 P.M. So I think I can conclude that the update will be happen at around 5 P.M. in my time zone area of GMT+08.

I didn't notice about this approval from my phone notifications and there was nothing shown in there,  maybe I did something wrong on my notifications.

This image shows what does it look like when you get your AdSense approval on next website.

Let me conclude some of the key points in this 2nd blog :

  1. There are total of 19 posts (Excluding Pages) , first post was published on 20 March 2021.

  2. Around 3200 all time views in this blog, most of the traffic came from referral and direct.

  3. It is a newly created blog on mid-end of March 2021.

  4. Detailed About Me Page with some of my qualifications relevant to my theme. 

  5. Simple setup on Important Pages (Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, etc.) with google drive link inside. (Just Wanna to avoid plagiarism in this site).

  6. Each posts should be above 500~1200 words (Just an estimation, I didn't count them precisely). You should also add in few images inside each post.

Total View around 3200


This whole process took me slightly above 1 month to finally get AdSense approval for my newly-created blog.

I hope that this post can help those who are still facing with some trouble in AdSense application/approval.

And also hope you can get your approval as soon as possible.

See Ya.

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