
Sharing on PTPTN Loan Payment Exemption 2022

How to Qualify for a PTPTN Loan Repayment Exemption in 2022?

PTPTN Loan Exemption/Waiver

Reminder : This is a translated sharing about the experience to get PTPTN Loan Payment Exemption from a user on , hope it can help those who are trying or going to apply for PTPTN Loan Payment Exemption online. 

I’m also going to share my tutorial of PTPTN Loan Payment Exemption recently, because I just found out that PTPTN finally approved my application for Loan Waiver this morning.

How to Qualify for a PTPTN Loan Repayment Exemption in 2022?

Let’s dive in right now with this sharing now.

How to apply for PTPTN Loan Payment Exemption in 2022

I set a target for myself when I was studying for my Degree in University, that was I must get the Honors Degree with Distinction, which is also the First Class Degree, and apply for PTPTN Loan Exemption.

Now I have achieved this target recently and PTPTN department waived my student loan recently few months after I filled up the application form on their website.

So the following text is the process of how I apply for PTPTN Loan Payment Exemption.

Due to the MCO in Malaysia at the time, my graduation ceremony was held online on 21st August 2021.

MCO Implementation Malaysia
A week after the virtual graduation ceremony, I received a package from my university degree with certified documentations such as degree scrolls and transcripts.

Apart from the basic required documents that have to be submitted to PTPTN, my university also prepared a guideline to apply for PTPTN Loan Repayment Exemption for First Class Degree holders to settle off their student loan without making any payment.

Since I have received most of the certified documents with a guideline to assist me on the matter of this student loan waiver, I just submitted my application to PTPTN at the same day, which was on 27th August 2021.

These are all the documents you have to submit:

  • Copy of Examination Transcript (Salinan Transkrip Peperiksaan)
  • Copy of First Class Degree (Salinan Ijazah Kelas Pertama)
  • First Class Confirmation Letter issued by the IPT (Surat Pengesahan Kelas pertama dikeluarkan oleh IPT)
  • Graduation confirmation letter (Surat pengsahan tamat pengajian)
  • Copy of Certificate of Accreditation from MQA (Salinan Sijil Perakuan akreditasi daripada MQA) 

Since I hadn’t got any job offer yet back then, I just filled “unemployed” at the employment status in the student loan waiver application form.

Besides, it didn’t require me to submit my parent’s payslip or their KWSP documents.

Once all the certified documents and personal information are uploaded and submitted to PTPTN through the application form, it will enter a page that shows the application is submitted successfully and they needed 60 days to process and evaluate the application.

You may check for others’ sharing’s about PTPTN Loan Repayment Exemption if you are required to submit your payslip or other certified documents such as surat akuan sumpah.

On the Halloween Day (31st October 2021), I made a live call with PTPTN through their official website to follow up my student loan exemption status.

How to Qualify for a PTPTN Loan Repayment Exemption in 2022?
They replied to me that probably they required another 30 days to process the application.

One month later (27th November 2021), I asked PTPTN for the update of my loan waiver application but they only said they will follow up.

On 16th December 2021, I asked for the update of my PTPTN Loan Repayment Exemption through their Facebook Page but they still replied to me with “Processing” after waiting for almost 4 months. The officer I have been contacted with also said he or she will follow up the progress of my loan waiver application.

One day before the end of year 2021, my friend informed me that his PTPTN Loan Exemption application was finally approved and all student debt was settled off directly.

I became nervous and anxious after I heard this, because I was afraid that I didn’t fully submit all the certified documents to PTPTN.

They didn’t even send a rejection regarding insufficient certified documents, so I was not sure about why my application has been stuck for nearly 4 months.

How to Qualify for a PTPTN Loan Repayment Exemption in 2022?

Then I just call PTPTN to ask them the progress of my student loan exemption status.

On 2nd January 2022, which is 3 days after I called PTPTN, I finally received a notification from PTPTN that they finally approved my student loan exemption application

I was quite delighted when I was informed that I have now been free from paying my student debt with an amount more than RM30,000. 

Finally I have settled this matter and everything will cross that bridge when one comes to it. I hope my sharing can enlighten you.


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Thanks for reading. See you next time.

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