Blogger AdSense Part 3 - AdSense doesn't know about your blog

 How can I get AdSense approval in short time?How can I get AdSense approval in one?How do I know if my AdSense account is approved?Google adsense approval trick 2020 2021 How to get adsense apporval for blogger How much traffic required to get adsense?How do I qualify for AdSense on blogger?When should I apply for AdSense on blogger?

LATEST - Google AdSense Tutorial in 2022

Google AdSense Tutorial 2022 | 12 Tips on How to get AdSense Approval for new website FAST | BAT#13

Recommended : AdSense Approval Guide

How to get Google AdSense Approval in 2021 (Little traffic + less than 20 posts)


Personal Experience and Tutorial on How to get AdSense Approval for "NEW" website.

For some of the publisher on Google Blogger site, "AdSense doesn't know about your blog" has been a troublesome since the new dashboard was implemented on blogger surface in last year.

This problem is one of the issues I met before when I tried to apply Google AdSense account on my mandarin blog - Jaxx's Blog.

Although there are few videos or posts that discuss about this issue in many platforms like YouTube, Quora and Google AdSense community.

However, there are some problems with these solutions. Let me ask you something first, when you try to search for some solution for this Blogger and AdSense issue in YouTube platform, how many of these videos content is English? How many of these videos is Hindi?

If you are not sure about the number, you may refer to the image down here:

Almost all of these solutions are either displayed in English or using Hindi explanation. I found out that it is quite frustrating as English titles are being used but the video poster explain in Hindi. 

Some of these solution on this specific AdSense problem do work, but it was not suitable for those that are new to AdSense. According to my understanding, these newly registered AdSense account from blogger will be looking like this:

The navigation bar on the left side inside AdSense account is unclickable, the solutions provided in YouTube is somehow related to this navigation bar. So it somehow doesn't solve new AdSense users who face with this problem. 

For those who try to search for "AdSense doesn't know about your blog" solutions in Google AdSense community, you will be mad at those explanations from the so call "Experts".

When you raise your question about this AdSense issue, some of the "experts" just give you like "You have to apply AdSense from blogger Blah Blah Blah" and then there is no more guidance on your issue for most of the tickets.

Yes, Applying AdSense from blogger is necessary and I think most of the new AdSense user on blogger should know this before they try to apply for an AdSense account.  

But even though you apply AdSense account from blogger dashboard, most of the blogger still showing this issue on the earnings tab regardless of what efforts you have devote.

It is a sad case for me as I also encountered with this AdSense problem in 2021 and I also tried various way to fix it, but none of them really works.


When you looking at my website, you can see there are some ads showing inside there already.

This should means that I have overcome this issue and get the Google AdSense approval for my blogger website already in March 2021.

So what have I done for this "AdSense doesn't know about your blog"

The answer is :


Ya you heard my answer, that is nothing. Let me explain to you why.

I tried to contact with other website owners that did used Blogger currently or before, and most of them did met with this problem and their solutions are kinda similar to mine.

So after some discussion with them, it seem like we can made a small objective conclusion about this AdSense issue. It should be a minor problem appear in blogger earning tab after a new blogger dashboard was implemented in second-half of year 2020.

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  1. Hy can you help me to aprove my adsens i have same problem..

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